What should I do if my package is marked as delivered, but I have not received it?

If you find that your package is marked as delivered but you haven't received it, don't worry—there are several steps you can take to resolve this issue:

  1. Check Surrounding Areas: Sometimes couriers leave packages in safe, yet not immediately obvious places around your property. Conduct a thorough check around your premises including spots like behind bins, planters, or other secluded areas.
  2. Ask Housemates or Neighbours: If you live with others or have close neighbours, inquire if they accepted the package on your behalf. Sometimes a housemate or neighbour will receive a package to ensure its safety.
  3. Contact Australia Post: If the above steps don't resolve the issue, it's time to reach out to Australia Post directly to lodge an inquiry regarding your package.
  4. Reach Out to Us: While reaching out directly to Australia Post can offer a quicker resolution, you are always welcome to contact us for assistance. We are here to help, although do note that it might take slightly longer to resolve through us. You can reach us at support@justcalendars.com.au.

We understand the importance of receiving your package in a timely manner and we are here to assist you in any way we can to ensure you receive your order.

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