How can I return an item?

To return an item, follow these simplified steps:

  1. Contact Us: Email or submit a support ticket in our support centre.
  2. Explain the Issue: Briefly state why you want to return the item. For faulty products or damaged packages, attach an image proof.
  3. Wait for Instructions: If your return is approved, we'll email you specific instructions on how to send your item back.
  4. Ship the Item: Follow our instructions carefully for a successful return. Items sent without approval won't be accepted.

By adhering to these steps, you can initiate a hassle-free return.

Who is responsible for covering the cost of return shipping?

The responsibility for covering the cost of return shipping depends on the reason for the return. If you received a damaged or faulty item, Just Calendars will provide a free return label to cover the shipping cost. However, if the return is for any other reason, such as a change of mind or providing a wrong address, you will be responsible for covering the cost of shipping the item back to us.

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